Onward! 2014
Mon 20 - Fri 24 October 2014 Portland, Oregon, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2014

Onward! Papers

Onward! is a premier multidisciplinary conference focused on everything to do with programming and software: including processes, methods, languages, communities, and applications. Onward! is more radical, more visionary, and more open than other conferences to ideas that are well-argued but not yet proven. We welcome different ways of thinking about, approaching, and reporting on programming language and software engineering research.

The Character of Onward!

Onward! is looking for grand visions and new paradigms that could make a big difference in how we will one day build software. But Onward! is not looking for research-as-usual papers—conferences like OOPSLA are the place for that. Those conferences require rigorous validation such as theorems or empirical experiments, which are necessary for scientific progress, but which typically preclude discussion of early-stage ideas. Onward! papers must also supply some degree of validation because mere speculation is not a good basis for progress. However, Onward! accepts less rigorous methods of validation such as compelling arguments, exploratory implementations, and substantial examples. The use of worked-out examples to support new ideas is strongly encouraged.

Onward! is reaching out for constructive criticism of current software development technology and practices, and to present ideas that could change the realm of software development. Experienced researchers, graduate students, practitioners, and anyone else dissatisfied with the state of our art is encouraged to share insights about how to reform software development.

Onward! welcomes your submissions to join the conversation for the good of our field.

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Wed 22 Oct

Displayed time zone: Tijuana, Baja California change

10:30 - 12:00
Session the FirstOnward! Papers at Salon A
Chair(s): Sebastian Erdweg TU Darmstadt
Programming with Managed Time
Onward! Papers
Sean McDirmid Microsoft Research, Jonathan Edwards MIT, USA
Call by Meaning
Onward! Papers
Hesam Samimi SAP Labs, Chris Deaton Cycorp, Yoshiki Ohshima Viewpoints Research Institute, Alessandro Warth SAP Labs, Todd Millstein University of California, Los Angeles
Versionable, Branchable, and Mergeable Application State
Onward! Papers
David H. Lorenz Open University and Technion IIT, Boaz Rosenan University of Haifa
The Semantics of Version Control
Onward! Papers
Wouter Swierstra University of Utrecht, Andres Löh Well-Typed LLP

Thu 23 Oct

Displayed time zone: Tijuana, Baja California change

10:30 - 12:00
Session the SecondOnward! Papers at Salon A
Chair(s): Gail Murphy University of British Columbia
Multi-tier Functional Reactive Programming for the Web
Onward! Papers
Bob Reynders iMinds - Distrinet, KU Leuven, Dominique Devriese iMinds - Distrinet, KU Leuven, Frank Piessens iMinds - Distrinet, KU Leuven
Towards Tierless Programming in a General-Purpose Language
Onward! Papers
Laure Philips Software Languages Lab, Coen De Roover Software Languages Lab, Software Engineering Laboratory, Tom Van Cutsem Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Wolfgang De Meuter Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Capturing and Exploiting IDE Interactions
Onward! Papers
Zhongxian Gu UC Davis, Drew Schleck UC Davis, Earl T. Barr University College London, Zhendong Su University of California, Davis
A Language Designer’s Workbench. A One-Stop-Shop for Implementation and Verification of Language Designs
Onward! Papers
Eelco Visser Delft University of Technology, Guido Wachsmuth Delft University of Technology, Andrew Tolmach Portland State University, Pierre Neron TU Delft, Vlad Vergu TU Delft, Augusto Passalaqua TU Delft, Gabriël Konat Delft University of Technology
Media Attached
15:30 - 17:00
Session the ThirdOnward! Papers at Salon A
Chair(s): Shriram Krishnamurthi Brown University
Korz: Simple, Symmetric, Subjective,
 Context-Oriented Programming
Onward! Papers
David Ungar IBM Research, Harold Ossher IBM Research, Doug Kimelman IBM Research
Mining the Ecosystem to Improve Type Inference For Dynamically Typed Languages
Onward! Papers
Boris Spasojevic University of Bern, Switzerland, Mircea Lungu University of Bern, Switzerland, Oscar Nierstrasz University of Bern, Switzerland
DOI Pre-print
Description Logic as Programming Language
Onward! Papers
James Skene Auckland University of Technology
It's only illegal if you get caught
Onward! Papers
Raphaël Proust University of Cambridge, Alan Mycroft University of Cambridge

Fri 24 Oct

Displayed time zone: Tijuana, Baja California change

10:30 - 12:00
Session the FourthOnward! Papers at Salon A
Chair(s): Emery D. Berger University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Phrase-Based Statistical Translation of Programming Languages
Onward! Papers
Svetoslav Karaivanov ETH Zurich, Veselin Raychev ETH Zurich, Martin Vechev ETH Zurich
Interleaving of Modification and Use in Data-driven Tool Development
Onward! Papers
Marcel Taeumel Hasso Plattner Institute, Michael Perscheid Hasso Plattner Institute, Bastian Steinert Hasso Plattner Institute, Jens Lincke Hasso Plattner Institute, Robert Hirschfeld HPI
Unifying Textual and Visual: a Theoretical Account of the Visual Perception of Programming Languages
Onward! Papers
Stéphane Conversy University of Toulouse - ENAC
Variational Data Structures: Exploring Tradeoffs in Computing with Variability
Onward! Papers
Eric Walkingshaw University of Marburg, Christian Kästner Carnegie Mellon University, Martin Erwig Oregon State University, Sven Apel University of Passau, Eric Bodden Fraunhofer SIT and TU Darmstadt

Accepted Papers

A Language Designer’s Workbench. A One-Stop-Shop for Implementation and Verification of Language Designs
Onward! Papers
Media Attached
Call by Meaning
Onward! Papers
Capturing and Exploiting IDE Interactions
Onward! Papers
Description Logic as Programming Language
Onward! Papers
Interleaving of Modification and Use in Data-driven Tool Development
Onward! Papers
It's only illegal if you get caught
Onward! Papers
Korz: Simple, Symmetric, Subjective,
 Context-Oriented Programming
Onward! Papers
Mining the Ecosystem to Improve Type Inference For Dynamically Typed Languages
Onward! Papers
DOI Pre-print
Multi-tier Functional Reactive Programming for the Web
Onward! Papers
Phrase-Based Statistical Translation of Programming Languages
Onward! Papers
Programming with Managed Time
Onward! Papers
The Semantics of Version Control
Onward! Papers
Towards Tierless Programming in a General-Purpose Language
Onward! Papers
Unifying Textual and Visual: a Theoretical Account of the Visual Perception of Programming Languages
Onward! Papers
Variational Data Structures: Exploring Tradeoffs in Computing with Variability
Onward! Papers
Versionable, Branchable, and Mergeable Application State
Onward! Papers

Call for Papers

Selection Process

Onward! papers are peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will appear in the Onward! Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. Submissions will be judged on the potential impact of the ideas and the quality of the presentation.

We welcome papers that contain promising ideas and have the potential to meet the conference’s standards, but have failed to achieve this in the initial submission. We will thus follow a two-phase review process. At the end of the first phase, all papers will be either: accepted normally; asked to perform certain required revisions; or rejected outright.

We expect the typical strong submission to be accepted normally, with authors expected—as is conventional—to revise the paper using the program committee’s feedback.

The program committee may identify certain papers with promising ideas as needing important revisions. These papers will be handled in one of two ways. They may get a shepherd, in the tradition followed by numerous conferences. Otherwise, they will be given a concrete set of goals to accomplish in the revision. In the latter case, the second submission must then be accompanied by a cover letter mapping the revision requests to specific parts of the paper; the program committee will use the cover letter and revised submission to arrive at a final decision.

The second phase will only be used to elevate promising papers to the conference’s standard, not to require additional work of papers already deemed up to standard.


Onward! submissions must conform to both the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions and the SIGPLAN Re-Publication Policy. Submissions are single-blind (i.e., authors are not anonymous).


Submissions should use the SIGPLAN Proceedings Format, 10 point font. Note that by default the SIGPLAN Proceedings Format produces papers in 9 point font. If you are formatting your paper using LaTeX, you will need to set the 10pt option in the \documentclass command. If you are formatting your paper using Word, you may wish to use the provided Word template that supports this font size. Please include page numbers in your submission (setting the preprint option in \documentclass generates page numbers). Please also ensure that your submission is legible when printed on a black and white printer. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and font sizes are legible.

Page Limit

To ensure that papers stay focused on their core contributions, the main part of the paper (including bibliographic references) should be no longer than 14 pages. There is no page limit for appendices, and, therefore, for the overall submission. However, reviewers are not obligated to read the appendices, so the main part of the paper should be self contained. If the paper is accepted, the final submission will be limited to 20 pages, including appendices.

It is the responsibility of the authors to keep the reviewers interested and motivated to read their submission. Reviewers are under no obligation to read all or even a substantial portion of a paper if they do not find the initial part of the paper compelling. The committee will not accept a paper if it is unclear that the paper will fit in the Onward! Proceedings.


Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to make accompanying materials, such as artifacts, publicly available upon publication of the proceedings, by including them as “source materials” in the ACM Digital Library.


AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: All accepted papers will be available in the ACM Digital Library as early as October 3, 2014. The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

For More Information

For additional information, clarification, or answers to questions please contact the Onward! Chair (Shriram Krishnamurthi) at onward@splashcon.org.

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

Session the First

Chair: Sebastian Erdweg

Programming with Managed Time

  • Sean McDirmid, Jonathan Edwards

Call by Meaning

  • Hesam Samim, Chris Deaton, Yoshiki Ohshima, Alessandro Warth, Todd Millstein

Versionable, Branchable, and Mergeable Application State

  • David H. Lorenz, Boaz Rosenan

The Semantics of Version Control

  • Wouter Swierstra, Andres Löh

Session the Second

Chair: Gail Murphy

Multi-Tier Functional Reactive Programming for the Web

  • Bob Reynders, Dominique Devriese, Frank Piessens

Towards Tierless Web Development without Tierless Languages

  • Laure Philips, Coen De Roover, Tom Van Cutsem, Wolfgang De Meuter

Capturing and Exploiting IDE Interactions

  • Zhongxian Gu, Drew Schleck, Earl T. Barr, Zhendong Su

A Language Designer’s Workbench: A One-Stop-Shop for Implementation and Verification of Language Designs

  • Eelco Visser, Guido Wachsmuth, Andrew Tolmach, Pierre Neron, Vlad Vergu, Augusto Passalaqua, Gabrieël

Session the Third

Chair: Shriram Krishnamurthi

Korz: Simple, Symmetric, Subjective, Context-Oriented Programming
  • David Ungar, Harold Ossher, Doug Kimelman
Mining the Ecosystem to Improve Type Inference for Dynamically Typed Languages
  • Boris Spasojeviū, Mircea Lungu, Oscar Nierstrasz
Description Logic as Programming Language
  • James Skene
It's Only Illegal If You Get Caught: Breaking Invariants and Getting Away with It
  • Raphaël Proust, Alan Mycroft

Session the Fourth

Chair: Emery Berger

Phrase-Based Statistical Translation of Programming Languages
  • Svetoslav Karaivanov, Veselin Raychev, Martin Vechev
Interleaving of Modification and Use in Data-driven Tool Development
  • Marcel Taeumel, Michael Perscheid, Bastian Steinert, Jens Lincke, Robert Hirschfeld
Unifying Textual and Visual: A Theoretical Account of the Visual Perception of Programming Languages
  • Stéphane Conversy
Variational Data Structures: Exploring Tradeoffs in Computing with Variability
  • Eric Walkingshaw, Christian Kästner, Martin Erwig, Sven Apel, Eric Bodden