Onward! 2014
Mon 20 - Fri 24 October 2014 Portland, Oregon, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2014
Jonathan Bell

Registered user since Thu 3 Apr 2014

Name:Jonathan Bell

I am currently studying Computer Science under the guidance of Prof Gail Kaiser, working towards a Ph. D at Columbia University. My most recent publication will appear at ICSE 2014, Unit Test Virtualization with VMVM. I have also worked with RentPost, TA’ed at Columbia, done significant freelance work with PHP and MySQL, and ran the Botwinick Multimedia Laboratory at Columbia.

Research Interests: Reducing Testing Overhead, Automated Reproduction of Field Faults, Automated Detection of Metamorphic Properties

Affiliation:Columbia University
Personal website: http://jonbell.net/


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